In a short documentary titled "Strippers Backstage," you can find a clip of Star aka Cardi B's "ex-roommate". The video was made at the King of Diamonds strip club in Miami Florida in 2012, ironically around the same time Star stated she lived in New York City. For the full video click on the link below.
Compromising and settling in relationship, what is the difference between the two? Some will say when you compromise in a relationship; most of your needs and desires are met. You are willing to sacrifice but not at the where it makes you uncomfortable or brings you pain. Whereas to settle in a relationship means to lower one standards in order to be with someone else, people who settle tend to be afraid of being alone. Some people state that term "settle" has gotten a bad rap; they say to settle in relationship means to have given the relationship some thought and consideration therefore making decision to move forward. Let's examine the definition of settle and compromise; A compromise means a settlement of differences by mutual concessions; an agreement reached by adjustment of conflicting or opposing claims, principles. To settle means to establish or become established in a way of life, job, residence. When viewing these terms has your opinion changed abou...
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