

Okay, so while I was glancing over my Facebook page I came across this passage titled Bitchology, while reading the passage a certain complex feeling came over me, the passage was describing what it is to be a woman not a bitch. Since when did this term become a substitute for a woman, last time I checked a bitch is a female dog. Taking it a step further the term is also used to describe an female with unlady like qualities, basically a female who doesn't carry the qualities it takes to be a strong woman. When looking at how the world has changed I believe certain terms can't be generally washed away or renamed to match an undesirable lifestyle. Some may say that the word today doesn't carry the same meaning it had in the past, well think about it like this if someone comes up to you and says; "Hey Bitch" would you still look at that word as a positive term for a woman? also ask yourself would I rather be referred to as woman or a bitch? Think about it, Ladies don't carry a title that you wouldn't want your daughters to carry, you don't need to reinvent a term that was never meant to describe you.


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