The Live-In Mistress

So when I first heard the term live-in mistress I was confused, how can a woman who lives with her boyfriend be a live-in mistress. The whole idea of one being a mistress is being the man's side chick not the one he lives with or has a relationship with right. Well let's take a look, when I asked what in the world is a live-in mistress I was told its basically the woman is being used for a living space or temporary emotional fix for a man until he finds the one he desires to marry. During that time the man dates other women as if he is single, once he begins to envision himself with someone else or becomes closer to the other woman your place becomes more like a mistress and less of a girlfriend. The work he usually puts in to your relationship he is now focusing on something that is more permanent, something he can see himself growing from. The problem that exist is some women don't know that they have become the live-in mistress, they assume if the man is still there then everything is fine. He may be there physically but mentally he has already checked out, some may ask but he is still there, so that has to mean something right?. There are a couple of reason why he is still there, (a) he doesn't have enough money to leave (b) he feels he is not ready for the woman he wants so he will stay with you and cheat until he is ready for the one he wants (c) there are kids involved and he is trying not to become the bad guy by leaving to soon. So how do you guys feel about this post, Let's talk about it!
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