How many times have we heard the quote "Life is what you make it", we tend to read the words but not really comprehend what the statement is saying. In this wonderful existence we call life, we tend to desire a certain way of life. When we make mistakes or the path we are walking on begins to shake some of us get off the path, some of us stay on the path and some of us tear down the path and rebuild another one. When you get off your chosen path you are basically giving up on your dream, your chosen path has shaken and you find it impossible to stay on it. When your paths shakes and you stay on it, you have chosen stick to your plan and no matter what comes your way you will conquer it. When you decide to rebuild your path you are tearing down your foundation and have decided to rebuild another one that has nothing to do with your ultimate goal. When you tear down your path and rebuild another one, you are basically settling for a different life but not a happy one. In the end life is not about the mistakes you make but what you do after the mistake is done, you can either stay stuck or you can live your dream.
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