Forbidden Fruit
I recently took a gander at this website dedicated to learning the ethnic background of famous celebrities. As I was skimming through the names I was quite surprised how many have either African or African American in their families. I was also taken on how completely open they were about their diverse cultural background. As I scrolled down to read the comments about each celebrity it seems some people did not want to accept that their favorite celebrity had African or African American in their bloodline. A prime example is supermodel Adriana Lima who hails from Brazil, she has a diverse background that consist of African, Swiss, Indian, and Native South American. Some of the comments below were unsettling, people did not want to except the fact that she had African in her blood nor did they want to accept that she considers herself Afro-Brazilian stating that she is a "mixture of a little of everything".
That got me thinking why were some so quick to denounce her African heritage once they found out what she was really mixed with, maybe if they found her beautiful or attractive then they would have to admit to themselves women of African decent are beautiful as well. Why in today's society we are still considered forbidden fruit ? Let's Talk About
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