Best Hair Extensions Companies Online
There are a wide variety of online hair extension companies out there. They all promise hair longevity, minimal shedding, no tangling etc, etc. YouTube has become a great form of communication for women to compare and review different hair companies. I complied a list of companies that have seem to flourish when it comes down to hair quantity and quality.
In no particular order:
1. Jace Beauty- This hair company is best known for its Russian Fede Hair, the hair comes in textures textured straight, curl, wildchild (which has a slight wave to it), natural straight, deep wave, wavy and baby curl. What makes Jace a cut above the rest is the great attention to detail the company seems to supply with their hair. Jace is also know for their superior customer service, I have experienced this first hand when I was inquiring about their. The customer service rep was not only prompt but detailed with her response.
2. HVM- I wrote a brief summary about this hair company before as one to look out for, HVM supplies virgin Brazilian, Peruvian and Cambodian hair. What makes this hair company different from the rest is how they sell their hair, you can purchase this in combos. Meaning you can purchase three bundles of hair at any length for one price. For those who love thicker quality hair (I know I do) this is perfect for you, it also matches African American hair to the tee.
3. His & Her Hair Company- Many people have ordered hair from this company. His & Her has a larger variety of hair textures and brands than the others. This company supplies one of the best hair extensions for women who have natural hair. You can also purchase synthetic hair and wigs on their website.
If you know of any other hair extension companies that have blazed the industry please leave a comment in the comment box below and Let's Talk About It!

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